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HomeQajaq Audio Glossary Map

QAJAQ Audio Glossary Map

  Deck Beam Knee Support Deck Beam Foot Support Deck Beam Back Support Deck Beam Gunwale Skeg Harpoon Support Keel Masik Paddle Blade Stem Profile Stern Profile Throwing Board Cockpit Coaming Paddle Greenland Kayak Chine Deck Line Slider Forward Deck Lines Aft Deck Lines Aft Deck Lines Paddle Loom Rib Deck Stringer End Piece End Piece Lashing Trunnels (Wooden Pegs) Cockpit Coaming Mortise Bone End Knobs

Place your cursor over a Greenlandic term in the image above to see the English translation. Click on a term to hear it spoken.
Image Map courtesy of Shawn Baker and Craig Bumgarner.